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teaching:topics:number:axioms-formal [2024/05/02 09:38]
simon [using 'sets' to describe the properties of numbers]
teaching:topics:number:axioms-formal [2025/02/24 06:54] (current)
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 We can make interesting and useful sets of things where only some of these properties hold or we can We can make interesting and useful sets of things where only some of these properties hold or we can
 make finite sets of things that otherwise have all the properties of, say, the integers or rationals. make finite sets of things that otherwise have all the properties of, say, the integers or rationals.
-At school we are mostly looking at either whole numbers (dealing with **discrete** things --- that we can count) or fractions and real numbers (dealing with **continuous** things --- quantities we can measure like length ​or weight). The difference+At school we are mostly looking at either whole numbers (dealing with **discrete** things --- that we can count) or fractions and real numbers (dealing with **continuous** things --- quantities we can measure like lengthweight ​and angles or ratios, scales and proportions). The difference
 between these two kinds of number is profound, and starting to understand that difference is a crucial step between these two kinds of number is profound, and starting to understand that difference is a crucial step
 in school maths. in school maths.
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 ===some set notation, as used here ...=== ===some set notation, as used here ...===
   * a set is a collection of distinct elements, `a=b` means they both represent the same element   * a set is a collection of distinct elements, `a=b` means they both represent the same element
-  * `\ b in ccN quad` means: we are giving the name `b` to "an element of" (that is something "​in"​) the set which we are calling `ccN`+  * `\ b in ccN quad` means:`quad`we are giving the name `b` to "an element of" (that is something "​in"​) the set which we are calling `ccN`
     * this is exactly what we do when we use a pronumeral in algebra     * this is exactly what we do when we use a pronumeral in algebra
-  * `forall b in ccN quad` then means: for all `b` in `ccN` +  * `forall b in ccN quad` then means:`quad`for all `b` in `ccN` 
-    * in other words: " for every possible `b` that we could choose from `ccN` ..." +    * in other words:`quad`"for every possible `b` that we could choose from `ccN` ..." 
-  * `exists c in ccN quad` means: there exists something we will call `c` in `ccN` +  * `exists c in ccN quad` means:`quad`there exists something we will call `c` in `ccN` 
-    * in other words: " we can always find some suitable element `c` in this particular collection called `ccN` ..." (usually with some property that will be given given next). +    * in other words:`quad`"we can always find some suitable element `c` in this particular collection called `ccN` ..." (usually with some property that will be given given next). 
-  * `quad : quad` means "such that"+  * `quad : quad` means`quad`"such that"
     * it can often be read as "​given"​ or "​where"​     * it can often be read as "​given"​ or "​where"​
-    * in other words: '... with the following conditions ...' +    * in other words:`quad`'... with the following conditions ...' 
-  * so rule \(\eqref{multiply closed}\) ... `quad forall a, b in ccN qquad exists c in ccN : quad c = a × b`\\ reads as:​`quad`for every `a` and `b` in `ccN` there is some `c`, also in `ccN`, where `\ c = a × b`.+  * so rule \(\eqref{multiply closed}\) ...`quad forall a, b in ccN qquad exists c in ccN : quad c = a × b`\\ reads as:​`quad`for every `a` and `b` in `ccN` there is some `c`, also in `ccN`, where `\ c = a × b`.
     * "​whenever we multiply two of these numbers the result is also one of these numbers"​     * "​whenever we multiply two of these numbers the result is also one of these numbers"​
-    * this is what we mean when we say: "`ccN` is //closed// under multiplication"​+    * this is what we mean when we say:`quad`"`ccN` is //closed// under multiplication"​
   * some logic operations: \(\ \therefore\,​\implies \land\ \lor\ \neg \quad\)mean:​ therefore, implies, and, or, not.   * some logic operations: \(\ \therefore\,​\implies \land\ \lor\ \neg \quad\)mean:​ therefore, implies, and, or, not.
   * some more set notation: \(\ \cap\ \cup \subset\ \emptyset\ \notin \quad\)for: intersection,​ union, subset, the empty set, not in   * some more set notation: \(\ \cap\ \cup \subset\ \emptyset\ \notin \quad\)for: intersection,​ union, subset, the empty set, not in
teaching/topics/number/axioms-formal.1714606713.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/02 09:38 by simon